Training Program
Organization history/mission
Info on locations/populations we serve
waivers, agreements,
training requirements,
assignment descriptions,
Training Sessions
Receive Handbook
IDs to wear to volunteer assignments
Activity Kits (Leaders can sign-out for group events): Balloons, scarves, instruments, lyric sheets, music stand, portable speaker, iPad/iPod, gloves, hand sanitizer, paper towels, kleenex, water
Lessons (instructors > purchase/referrals)---group lessons at coffee shops???
Songbook (available for purchase)
Photos of volunteers at events (permissions)
Volunteer celebrations
Volunteer awards
Community Service Hours (high school and college students)
Organization history/mission
Info on locations/populations we serve
waivers, agreements,
training requirements,
assignment descriptions,
Training Sessions
Receive Handbook
IDs to wear to volunteer assignments
Activity Kits (Leaders can sign-out for group events): Balloons, scarves, instruments, lyric sheets, music stand, portable speaker, iPad/iPod, gloves, hand sanitizer, paper towels, kleenex, water
Lessons (instructors > purchase/referrals)---group lessons at coffee shops???
Songbook (available for purchase)
Photos of volunteers at events (permissions)
Volunteer celebrations
Volunteer awards
Community Service Hours (high school and college students)